Randver Radbartsson (670-770) 670--770 (man)
Father: Radbart of Gardarike
Mother: Aud the Deep-minded
Wife: Inghild, daugher of an unnamed Swedish king
Sigurd Ring, king in Denmark
Followed sources
Randvér or Randver was according to the Lay of Hyndla, the son of Ráðbarðr the king of Garðaríki and Auðr the Deep-Minded, the daughter of Ivar Vidfamne. In these two sources Auðr had Randver's brother Harald Wartooth in a previous marriage.
He was married to Ingild, the daughter of an unknown Swedish king. He was succeeded by his son Sigurd Ring.
Hyndaljod: http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/poe/poe15.htm | |