Olof I (Bitling) Gudrödsson (1080-1153) 1080--1153-06-29 (man)
f. Isle of Man
d. Isle of Man, Ramsey
Kung på Isle of Man, England 1103-1153
"the dwarf"Familj med: Ingeborg Håkonsdotter (ca 1099-1126), dotter till jarlen Håkon Pålsson (1075-1126) på Orkneyöarna Dottern Ragnhild (Ayla) Olofsdotter blev gift med Sumerled Mac Gillabride, som var kung på Isle of Man och Hebriderna 1153-1164. (Källa: Regentlängd för Isle of Man) Vigsel: efter 1115 3) Familj med Afreca av GALLOWAY (1099 - 1130) Vigsel: omkring 1127 4) Barn: Gudröd II OLOFSSON (1127 - 1187) Noteringar Galloway är ett landskap i sydvästra delen av Skottland och gränsar till Isle of Mans nordligaste del. Kallas också för Olav 'the Dwarf (Dvärg)'.He took a wife named Affrica, daughter of Fergus of Galloway by whom he had issue Godred. He had also many concubines, by whom he had issue three sons, Reginald, Lagman and Harold, and manydaughters, one of whom was married to Sumerled, Lord of Argyll; and this was the cause of the ruin of the whole kingdom of the Isles, for he had issue by her four sons, Dugald, Reginald, Angus andOlave, of whom we shall speak more fully hereafter. (Källa: May Teistevoll)Kung Isle of Man och Hebriderna 1103-1153. (Källa: Regentlängd för Isle of Man)Olaf was killed in 1154 at Ramsey. Now, Chronicle says that his son Godred had, just before that, gone to Norway to King Inge; made himself his man and, next autumn, on his return, put in at Orkney,'and all the chiefs of the Isles, hearing that he had come, were delighted'. He was in fact a connection. Godred from there came to Man, and turned out his cousins who had killed his father Olaf;blinded two of them, killed the third this maintaining a connection with Orkney at that date I think in harmony with my general view of Olafþs connection with the family of the Saint. (Källa: FrancesCoakley)Olaf was brought up at the court of Henry I of England.
(Källa: Frances Coakley)Källor 1) Landsarkivets bibliotek, G.V.C. Young, Isle of Man, England 2) Stewart Baldwin, England (webbplats) 3) Frances Coakley, England (epost) 4) Beräkning av Björn Espell, Frösön -
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