Födelse: cirka 430
Dovre, Oppland, Norway (Norge)
Son till King Hjorvard Helgesson på Skjælland och Helga Fridleifsdatter, av Lejre
Make till Åshild Øysteinsdatter
Far till King Hrolf of the Hill Svadisson in Oppland och Hødd Svadesdatter, {Legendary}
Bror till Halvdan 2. Hjorvardsen
Figure of the Orkneysaga.
The mention of him is brief; when introducing Hrolf of the Hill, it says "he was the son of Svadi the giant from north of the Dovrefell".
Date of birth is totally undocumented, and chosen to fit with surrounding profiles.
Note - a speculation published in "Gjallarhorn", a genealogical magazine published in Norway, proposes that his name was Finn, and that his father was Hjorvard Helgesson. I have not verified the article's existence or authorship, or what sources it cites. - Harald Alvestrand
1.[S000097] Holdt-2002, Holdt, Daniel, (www.american-pictures.com/genealogy/kings-ar.htm: 2002). | |