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Sigtrygg II Gale Enöga Sigtryggson (885-927)
Ethelwulf av England (806-858)
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Alfred av England (846-899)
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Edvard I (den äldre) av England (869-924)
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Eadgyth (Edit) av England (897-937)
Harald Gudrödsson Sigtryggson (916-940)
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Gudröd macArailt Haraldsson (940-989)
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Harald den svarte av Hebriderna Gudrödsson (980-1040)
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Helge Fridleifsson (770-800)
Sigurd (Fafnesbane) Sigurdsson (735-775)
Brynhild Budlasdotter (738-775)
Aslög (Kraka) Sigurdsdatter (770-842)
Sigrid Helgesdotter (794-855)
Tyra Danebod of Hedeby Haraldsdotter (854-930)
Gunhild Kongemor of Danmark (905-972)
Ragnfred av Norge (923-990)
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N.N. Ragnfredsdotter (975-1035)
Gudröd I Crovan Haraldsson (1030-1095)
Harald I Hårfager Halvdansson (858-933)
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Sigurd Rese Haraldsson (895-)
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Halvdan Sigurdsson (930-1018)
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Sigurd Syr Halvdansson (960-1018)
Åsta (Asta) av Norge (970-1020)
Harald II Hårdråde Sigurdsson (1015-1066)
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Emund Eriksson, king of Birka (829-859)
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Erik Anundsson, King of Sweden (849-882)
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Björn King of the Svear (868-956)
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Erik Segersäll Björnsson (930-995)
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Olof Skötkonung (980-1022)
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Ingegerd Irina of Svitjod (1000-1050)
Elisabeth of Kiev (1032-1085)
Ragnhild av Norge (1047-1100)
Olof I (Bitling,the Duarf) of Isle of Man Gudrödsson (1080-1153)
Fergus of Galloway (1070-1161)
Rolf Rollo, Gångerolf Ragnvaldson (864-930)
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Vilhelm I av Normandie Långsvärd (893-942)
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Richard Rudajarl of Normandie (933-996)
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Richard II the Good of Normandie (962-1026)
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Robert the magnificent of Normandie (1008-1035)
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Vilhelm I Erövraren of Normandie (1028-1087)
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Henry I Beauclerc of England (1068-1135)
Sibylla Corbet (1065-1125)
Elisabeth of England (1083-1150)
Aufreca of Galloway (1099-1166)
Gudröd II the Black of Isle of Man Olofsson (1127-1187)
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Kung Ragnvald of Isle of Man (1165-1229)
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Kung Godred Don Isle of Man (1186-1230)
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Kung Harald II of Isle of Man (1207-1287)
1207--1287 (man)

King of Man Harald of Isle of Man Gudrödsson

Kung på Isle of Man, England 1249-1250.. Blev högst 80 år.
Far: Kung på Isle of Man Gudröd "Don" Ragnvaldsson (1186 - 1230)
Mor: N.N.

Född: 1207 Isle of Man, Norge
Bosatt: 1250 Norge
Död: 1287 Norge

In the year 1249, Reginald (II) began to reign on the 6th of May, and on the 30th of the same month, he was slain by the knight Ivar and his accomplices, in a meadow near the church of the Holy Trinity at Rushen. He was buried in the church of St. Mary of Rushen. After his death Harold, son of Godred Don, began to reign in Man. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys)
1249, Harold, the son of Godred Don, usurping the name and dignity of king in Man, drove out nearly all the chiefs of Harold, Olave's son, and in their stead made the fugitives who had joined him chiefs and nobles. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, notes 46)

In 1250, when Harold was summoned to Norway, he acted still in the capacity of trustee or vicegerent, with which he had been invested by King Hácon, in bringing the third son of King Olaf to Man, supported by a Norwegian force. He wounded, however, the sensibility of the Manx in making use of his royal title, and the Chronicle relates how the enterprise failed. After that time it seems that Eogan resigned the title as well as his allegiance to Norway; because, in a letter still preserved, issued by him in the year 1251, he styles himself only 'Eogan, knight, son of Duncan of Argyle'; and in 1263 he appears as the subject and decided partizan of Alexander III. We learn, however, from the Saga, that not till then did he resign his fiefs. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, notes 46)

There seems to have been a conspiration between Harold the son of Godred and Sir Ivar, because, in a letter issued by King Henry of England on the 21st of April 1256, an order is given to all authorities not to receive Harold or Ivar, who had shame-fully murdered King Reginald, nor their accomplices of this Sir Ivar, however, nothing more is known, maybe he belonged to the royal family of the Isles. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, notes 45)

In the year 1275, on the 7th day of the month of October, a fleet of the Lord Alexander King of Scotland, put into Ronaldsway, and on the following day, before sunrise, a battle was fought between the Manxmen and the Scots, in which the Scots prevailing slew 537 Manxmen. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys)
Torleif Haraldsson (1228-1290)
Hallstein Torleivisson (1272-1345)
Nils Hallsteinnsson (1300-1350)
Peder Nilsson Skancke (1325-1420)
Jon Pedersen Skancke (1344-1411)
Sigurd Jonsson (1370-1447)
Johan Sigurdsson (1420-1470)
Margaretha Johansdotter (1440-1510)
Karl Laurensson (1465-1538)
Måns Karlsson Blix (1502-1570)
Per Månsson Blix (1542-1632)
Jonas Persson Blix (1595-)
Elisabeth Jonsdotter Blix (1640-)

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